Sustainability – Environment

“The major threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

Robert Swan 

Every individual can and should make their contribution to a future worth living and to the protection of our planet. As a company, we have a duty to do this and to set a good example. The continuous improvement of our corporate environmental protection as well as sharing and demanding our values and principles for sustainable action with our employees, customers and partners are our contribution to responsible action towards the environment and future generations.

BR Sustainability Report

REISS Sustainability Report with integrated updated Environmental Statement 2024
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Version: June 2024

Phone: + 49 35341 48-360
Fax: +49 35341 48-368

Detailed information on our environmental management, measures and goals can be found in our Environmental Statement, as part of our Sustainability Report.


When developing products, we pay attention to environmental aspects throughout their entire life cycle, from development to material procurement, production, transport, use and disposal of the product.

  • Functional product design for a long service life
  • added value through functions
  • sustainable materials, PEFC™ certified wood-based materials
  • long-term supply of spare parts – 10-year warranty


We focus on the efficient use of resources and continuously work on optimising consumption and increasing the use of sustainable materials.

  • Use of natural materials
  • Recyclability of raw, auxiliary and operating materials used
  • Regional procurement of purchased parts
  • Optimisation of processes

Preventive environmental protection

By regularly assessing environmental aspects across all company processes and deriving objectives and measures, we work to continuously improve our environmental performance and reduce or avoid impacts on the environment.

  • Resource consumption – material, energy, water, etc.
  • Compliance with general legal regulations and municipal requirements
  • Assessment of technologies, processes and materials used
  • Disposal of waste (hazardous, non-hazardous)
  • Assessment of emissions into the atmosphere (dust, gas, noise)

REISS is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001 and fulfils the EMAS guidelines. We use low-emission wood products and wood-based materials for our office furniture. They bear the “Der Blaue Engel” eco-label or are OEKOTEX certified. REISS products are GS-tested and meet the criteria of Quality Office.


How we contribute.

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We live our claim.

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Suppliers and partners

How we achieve more together.

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© 2024 - REISS Büromöbel GmbH